Datasets are valuable for both the development and testing of software and algorithms[1]. We are making a series of datasets available to be used freely. There are simulated land-vehicle (8), experimental small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) (7), and automotive reference datasets (2). Below is a brief overview of the parameters available in each dataset.

Parameter Land Vehicle Small UAV Automotive
Type Simulated Measured Measured
Reference Position x x x
Reference Velocity x x x
Reference Orientation x x x
IMU (Accel, Gyro) x x x
Magnetometer x x x
GNSS Position x x x
GNSS Velocity x x x
Control Inputs x
Equipment na Goldy AutoPilot HGuide n380
Sampling Rate 10 Hz 50 Hz 100 Hz

Accessing Datasets

The datasets are accessible through a Python package named onavdata. Instructions for installing onavdata and accessing the datasets are given next.


Installation is available using the command line pip utility.

~$ pip install --upgrade onavdata

Quick Start

>>> import onavdata
>>> onavdata.print_shortnames()
	 2021-04-27 HGuide n380 Car Drive Between Traffic Lights

Further information about each dataset can be obtained using the description keyword. For example:

>>> onavdata.print_shortnames(description=True)
2014-09-09 UofMN Conservancy 7 UAV Flights
Testing student controllers using standard roll/pitch doublets.

GNSS Applications & Methods - Chap. 7 - Case Study 2 - TRAJECTORY D 
(no errors added) Automobile traveling north on perfectly level surface.
Flat and non-rotating Earth assumptions are simulated. No measurement
errors are simulated (i.e. sensor measurements are perfect).
Vehicle is traveling with a sinusoidally-varying speed and a fixed heading.

    2021-04-27 HGuide n380 Car Drive Between Traffic Lights
Honeywell HGuide n380 mounted onto car and driven from red-light to red-light southbound on highway 169 near city of Champlin, Minnesota.  Captures both acceleration and deceleration of car.
Sensor axes from driver perspective:
    +X: forward
    +Y: right
    +Z: down
    RF1 Antenna: above rear-right passenger (on roof rack)
    RF2 Antenna: above front-right passenger (on roof rack)

Load Data

By default, the data is returned as a Pandas DataFrame.

>>> import onavdata
>>> df = onavdata.get_data('2012 UMN-UAV GPSFASER1')
>>> df.head()                                                          
	                   AccelX (m/s^2)           ...             InputAileronRight (0-1)
	TimeFromStart (s)                           ...                                    
	0.00                     1.176502           ...                              0.5516
	0.02                     1.078460           ...                              0.5516
	0.04                     1.143822           ...                              0.5516
	0.06                     1.176502           ...                              0.5516
	0.08                     1.209183           ...                              0.5516

Note that if desired, it is easy to access the same data as Numpy array via the Pandas DataFrame.

>>> time_sec_array = df.index.values.copy()
>>> data_array = df.values.copy()
>>> columns_hdr = df.columns.tolist()

Work with Data

At this point the data is readily available for analysis, design, or simply visualization. For example, using the Matplotlib module we can quickly plot the Euler angles from this flight.

>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>> df[['AngleHeading (rad)', 'AnglePitch (rad)', 'AngleRoll (rad)']].plot(subplots=True)


Project Repository

The onavdata project repository is hosted here:

  1. Read more about the motivation in this article: Reference Data Sets ↩︎