Deep Knowledge & Trusted Expertise

"...recognize [your] outstanding achievement in the preparation of papers advancing the art and science of positioning, navigation, and timing."
Recipient of the Institute of Navigation Samuel M. Burka Award

Our navigation and motion sensing expertise spans:

  • Key motion sensors including accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, cameras, lidar, radar, distance sensors, pressure, and airspeed senors
  • Foundational sensor fusion algorithms like Kalman filters (standard, extended, iterated), complementary filters, batch and recursive estimators, non-linear least-squares, bundle adjustment, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
  • Calibration and characterization routines including IMU calibration, magnetometer error modeling and calibration, Allan Variance analysis, lever-arm estimation, vibration analysis
  • Popular open-source libraries including Madgwick AHRS Algorithm, PX4 Autopilot, Ardupilot, and RTKLIB as well as authoring our own onavdata
  • Practical and engineering techniques for motion sensing in the presence of engine vibration, relative motion sensing, initialization routines, covariance analysis, sensor selection, truth and reference systems, as well as decentralized and centralized architectures

Experience dealing with diverse motion sensing applications.


  • Guided Surgical Procedures - mm-level tracking system for guided surgery
  • Medical Device - Bend angle for diagnostic medical device
  • Fitness - Barbell trajectory and velocity tracking

Marine & Energy

  • Ocean Buoy - ocean data collection for offshore wind
  • Large Ships - self leveling features for large ships in choppy water
  • Power Utility Lines - cable stress measurements based on bend angles
  • Subsea Oil Wells - component stress based on bend angles

Construction, Transportation, and Off-Road Vehicles

  • Skid-Steer Loaders - driver assist features like self leveling bucket
  • Sidewalk and Trail Condition - Fusing lidar, IMU, and GNSS data to map sidewalk properties
  • Automotive - active air suspension for performance cars
  • Turf Maintenance - safety and autonomy features for residential and commercial vehicles

Drones & Mapping

  • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - georeferencing imagery from agricultural fields

Industrial Sensing

  • Long-stroke hydraulic cylinders - intelligent sensing and control of hydraulic actuators
  • Solar and Lighting Installation - Improved operation with optimal orientations
Organic Navigation algorithm designs and implementations are in high-volume production.


  1. Contract Engineering Projects
  2. Technical Support Service
  3. Run Sensor Fusion Algorithms From Your Browser:
  4. License Our Navigation Libraries